Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to the collection of personal information by Servier Canada Inc. (“Servier Canada“, “us” or “we”) through this Website. Servier Canada recognizes the importance of protecting your privacy. For this reason, we have taken steps to protect personal information obtained from you, as a user of this Website. You are asked to read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you browse or otherwise use the Website, you accept this Privacy Policy.

1. Personal Information. Personal information is information that refers to or permits an individual to be identified. Personal information includes information that can be linked to you, such as your name, address, phone number, licence number, or e-mail address.

2. Collection of Information. Information may be collected in two ways when you use this Website. First, when you access the Website, non-personal information may automatically be exchanged between your computer and our server including information collected using cookies and other technologies, which may include geolocation information, browsing history and other information available via Website access, as well as opt in or out of targeted advertising using such information collected. In particular, the following information may be collected at that time: your Internet service provider’s domain name, the type of browser and the operating system you are using to access this Website, the date and time of access and the pages you visit. Second, additional information may be collected when you request services offered on this Website. For example, when you contact us by e-mail or register in a protected portion of the Website, you may be asked to provide us with your name, telephone number, street or e-mail address.

3. Use of Personal Information. If you choose to provide us with personal information, we will use it to respond to your enquiries and to send you any products or services that you have requested from us. If you allow us to, we will use your personal information to send you publications and news in areas of potential interest to you. Your personal information may be combined with the information of others who use this Website in order to generate aggregated data that does not contain identifying information (“Aggregated Data”). Aggregated Data may be used by Servier Canada and its service providers to improve communications with you or, more generally, improve content on this Website.

For the above-noted purposes, your personal information may be shared, confidentially, with Servier Canada’s service providers and agents. Please note that Servier Canada and its service providers may store or process your personal information outside of Canada (including in the United States), where local laws may require the disclosure of personal information to governmental authorities under circumstances that are different than those that apply in Canada

4. Disclosure of Personal Information. Your personal information may be disclosed as permitted or required by law, including (1) to comply with valid legal requirements such as a law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena or court order; or (2) in response to a physical threat to others, to protect property or defend or assert legal rights. In the event of a sale, amalgamation, re-organization, transfer or financing of parts of some or all of Servier Canada’s business, your personal information may be disclosed to an acquiring organization, either as part of due diligence and/or on completion of the transaction. If your personal information is disclosed to an unaffiliated third party in this context, Servier Canada will require that third party to agree to protect your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Your personal information will not be given to any outside organization for its use in marketing or solicitation without your consent. Under no circumstances does Servier Canada sell your personal information to third parties.

5. Risks Related to the Internet. We will implement appropriate safeguards to protect your personal information in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws. Although efforts are made to prevent unauthorized access to and use of your personal information, complete confidentiality and security is not yet possible over the Internet. Any unencrypted e-mail communication over the Internet is, as with communications via any other medium, such as cellular phones, not secured or confidential, and is subject to possible interception, loss and/or alteration. You acknowledge and agree that Servier Canada its affiliated companies, its service providers and agents or their respective employees, directors or officers will not be liable in any manner whatsoever, to you or any third parties, for any damage as a result of information transmitted by e-mail to Servier Canada You assume all risks related to such communications.

6. Use of Cookies. Cookies are small data files transferred to your browser by a website. They keep a record of your preferences, making your subsequent visits to the site more efficient. The use of cookies is a common practice adopted by most major sites to better serve their users. Most browsers are designed to accept cookies, but they can be easily configured to refuse cookies. The cookies used by this Website are harmless. You may opt to refuse them through your own browsers but may lose some benefits of the site in doing so.

7. Links to Other Sites. This Website that may link you to other websites that do not operate under Servier Canada’s information privacy practices. When you click through to these websites, Servier Canada’s information privacy practices no longer apply. We recommend that you examine the privacy statements for all third-party websites to understand their procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing your information. Any links provided on this Website are provided for your convenience only. Servier Canada in no way controls, endorses or guarantees the sites linked to this Website and cannot be held responsible for their content or practices, particularly with respect to the protection of personal information and privacy.

8. Control and Access to Your Information. You have a right to request access to your personal information by submitting a written request to Servier Canada Inc., 3224, avenue Jean-Béraud, Laval (Québec) H7T 2S4. You may also request, where appropriate, the rectification of any personal information. If a photocopy of your personal information is requested, reasonable charges, which will be communicated to you beforehand, may be imposed. You also have the right to withdraw your consent for the use and disclosure of your personal information, as long as there are no legal or contractual requirements for us to process your information. When consent is withdrawn, we can still store your information, but may not use it further. Depending on the circumstances, however, withdrawal of your consent may impact your ability to continue using or accessing the Website.

9. Changes to Privacy Policy. Although our commitment to privacy will not change, in order to accommodate changes based on new legislation, legal developments or other developments, Servier Canada may modify, alter or otherwise update this Privacy Policy from time to time without notice. You will see that the date of the last update of this Privacy Policy (the “Effective Date”) is listed below. If we update this Privacy Policy, the Effective Date will be changed to indicate when the last update was made.

10. Quebec’s Law 25

11. Contact Us. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this Website, or your dealings with this Website, please contact our Data Privacy Officer

This Privacy Policy was last modified on August 24, 2023.